Candidate Schedule

4AUG-6AUG,  2024 – schedule at bottom

The March career fair will allow candidates to participate in some or ALL of the following.

  • Attend the Zoom Transition Workshop on 5NOV with a dozen nukes (and no company reps) to answer some of the most often asked questions** and give overview of Power Conference
  • In person event on the 6NOV at Maynards restaurant in Silverdale –  if you live in the area with some company reps and ex navy nukes
  • Visit virtual industry and grad school tables on 7NOV via Zoom with ex nukes answering questions.   Examples:  Investment banking/PE, Med school,  B school , startups, etc.

** Example question  – ” Should I take a shore tour?”    Answer – Better question is IF I take a shore tour where should I take it.

Conference schedule

4AUG 1830-2100 PST
Zoom Transition Webinar – Mike and Board Members answer all transition/industry/grad school/shore tour questions… no company reps in attendance.

6AUG- 1600-1700  – Small Group Forums …

6AUG 1700-2100+ PST  NUPOCC Career Fair.

Companies and candidates will mingle at a career fair in Ritz Carlton Pentagon City.

7AU 1600-1900 PST. Virtual Career Fair.
Companies will have slots of time where they will staff their virtual Zoom “tables”

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